Yes this year, I was able to master a bokeh effect that I couldn’t last year. I received a new lens for my birthday in February with a focal of 1.8
With the right tool, It was really easy. This Christmas tree bokeh is closing my album perfectly!
I hope that you had a nice Easter weekend!I did and enjoyed cooking nice things for a delicious colorful brunch ( I will talk you about it in my next post ) but first a few pictures of my floral arrangement.
I usually compose ‘big’ bouquets of one type of flowers but this time, I wanted to add some spices, try something new and compose a flower arrangement with differents types of flowers. Being so inspired by all the beautiful bouquets that you can see on Pinterest. Have a look at my Pinterest floral board here.
I took some flowers from my previous ranunculus bouquet, bought some Craspedia (I will try to grow them in my garden this year since I found some seeds at the flower market) and some eucalyptus branch. I went in the garden for picking some fresh tulips and some Muscari.
First, in making theses arrangement, I added a pin flower frog ( see my previous post about it ) at the bottom of my beautiful ceramic cups from Lenneke Wispelwey.
Starting with the biggest flowers, I pinned the ranunculus first, then added the tulips. After that, I created some height with the eucalyptus branches and the Craspedia flowers. I finished by filling the gap with the Muscari.
Spring is here, have you done your flowers seedlings yet? This year, I want to plant beautiful flowers to makes originals bouquets. Stay in touch….
floral table arrangement was last modified: June 14th, 2017 by patricia
Nouveau mois ( eh oui déjà !) et nouveau green styling challenge des urban jungle bloggers:
jungle animal ( animaux de la jungle)
mon animal sauvage à moi c’est mon voisin monsieur le héron, mais comme une star qui se respecte, il n’aime pas être pris en photo, pas question de poser avec des miettes de pain, non monsieur aime le poisson et les cubes de gouda! Mais mon autre voisin ( human lui ) m’interdit de le nourrir, car sinon ‘il fait caca sur ma voiture !’ Ce qui n’empêche pas la voisine de lui jeter des filets de hareng de son balcon! Voila vous saurez tous des commérages entre voisins de mon immeuble! Concernant mes animaux sauvages d’interieur, j’ai des supers jouets en bois sérigraphié, de la collection africa de chez Mini Empire. Bien moins capricieux mais tout aussi jolis !
New month, yes already, and a new green chalenge from the urban junggle bloggers:
jungle animal
My wild animal is my neighbor Mr. Heron, but as a self-respecting star, he does not like to be photographed, no question to pose with bread crumbs, no, Mr. like fish and gouda cheese cubes g! But my other neighbor (a human one) forbade me to feed it, ‘otherwise it poops on my car! ‘ This does not prevent the other women neighboor to throw it herring fillets from her balcony! Here you will know all the gossip among my neighbors building! Regarding my wild animals inside, I have great silkscreened wooden toys, the africa collection from Mini Empire. Although less capricious but no less beautiful!
jungle animals was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by patricia
★ joyeuse soldes d’anniversaire ! ★
Les soldes d’anniversaire ont déjà commencé! pour avoir les – 30% dans la boutique, il suffit d’être inscrit à la newsletter, il n’est pas trop tard pour s’inscrire et profiter des soldes le lien est ici .
Joyeuse journée !
Ps: Comme mon anniversaire, la promo n’est valide qu’aujourd’hui dimanche 7 février
★ happy birthday sale ! ★
The birthday sales have already begun! For the – 30% in the shop, you just need to be on the newsletter list, it is not too late to subscribe today to use the discount , follow the link here
Have an Happy day!
Ps: As my birthday, the sale is only valid today Sunday, February 7
happy birthday shopping day ! was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by patricia
★ Bonne Année ! Tous mes voeux de bonheur, de chance et de santé ! ★
2016, nouvelle année, nouveau commencement, nouvelles résolutions, nouveaux challenges, nouvelle aventures, nouvelles créations…
Cette Année, j’ai envie de maîtriser mon appareil photo ( pas celui de la photo,hein le ‘vrai’ !), j’ai envie de créer une nouvelle collection de broches cactus et bien sur de continuer à blogger et à vous envoyer des newsletters colorées !
Restez connectez 🙂
★ Happy New Year ! All my wishes of happiness, luck and health! ★
2016, new year, new beginning, new resolutions, new challenges, new adventures, new creations …
This year I want to master my camera (not the one of the photo, eh the ‘real’ one !), I want to create a new collection of cactus brooches and of course continue to blogg and send you colorful newsletters!
Stay connected 🙂
Excited about 2016 ! was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by patricia
ooh la la j’ai pas vu le temps passer ! Et subitement Noel est dans 10 jours!
Avez vous trouvé tous vos cadeaux ?
ooh la la I did not see the time goes by ! And suddenly Christmas is in 10 days!
Did you find all your gifts?
and sudently christmas is in 10 days ! was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by patricia
L’ automne est là avec son explosion de couleurs…
ces oranges, rouges & jaunes m’ont inspiré pour la réalisation de mes broches feuilles. Serez vous les retrouver ? 😉
Réalisé en édition très limitées ses broches sont déjà réservé pour la galerie Ikki à Paris.
Mais je les aimes tellement que j’aimerais en faire quelque une de plus! pour cela, je réfléchis a version plus facile à reproduire ( le système d’attache actuel étant réalisé sur mesure en argent pourrais évoluer vers un système plus standardise) Je vous tiendrais bien sur au courant.
Mais je les aimes tellement que j’aimerais en faire quelque une de plus! pour cela, je réfléchis a version plus facile à reproduire ( le système d’attache actuel étant réalisé sur mesure en argent pourrais évoluer vers un système plus standardise) Je vous tiendrais bien sur au courant.
Autumn is here with its explosion of colors …
the oranges, reds & yellow inspired me to create my my brooches leaves. Can you spot them? 😉
Produced in a very limited edition, these brooches are already reseverd for the jewellery galery Ikki in Paris.
But I love them so much that I’d like to do some more! In order to do that, I’ll have to think to an easier reproductible version (the current system is custom made in silver).
I will keep you informed of course.
To be the first to be inform, subscribe to my newsletter!
the oranges, reds & yellow inspired me to create my my brooches leaves. Can you spot them? 😉
Produced in a very limited edition, these brooches are already reseverd for the jewellery galery Ikki in Paris.
But I love them so much that I’d like to do some more! In order to do that, I’ll have to think to an easier reproductible version (the current system is custom made in silver).
I will keep you informed of course.
To be the first to be inform, subscribe to my newsletter!
autumn was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by patricia
Ce mois ci l’intitulé du challenge des Urban Jungle blogueurs est:
plantes & fleurs.
Vous savez combien j’aime être étonnée et surprendre avec une beauté inattendue, cachée…
Je trouve les fleurs d’artichauts étonnantes, graphiques et qui plus est assez rare.
Les fleurs d’artichauts m’ont inspirées dans le passé pour réaliser cette
Pourquoi porter une rose sur votre veste quand vous pourriez avoir une grosse fleur, en fait un légumes à la place?
Pour ceux qui ‘cultivent’ la différence, bien sur! 😉
A new month, a new Urban Jungle Bloggers challenge !
This month the title is: Plants & flowers.
You know how I like to be amazed and amazed with unexpected beauty.
I find artichoke flowers amazing, so graphical, plus you don’t find it everywhere.
The artichoke flowers had inspired me in the past to make this
Why wear a rose on your jacket when you could have a big bold, vegetable flower instead ?
For the out- of- the- box, crazy thinkers, of course !
Plants & flowers was last modified: November 14th, 2016 by patricia

fish eyes photography
Last week, I saw that the Hema sold some fish eyes lens for your mobile phone!
You know I love having fun with photography, like with my Diana mini.
I had to buy one ( they cost only 4 euros, which is unbelievable ! ) of course, I had to visit 3 Hema to find one left but I got it 🙂
If your camera is in metal, it is magnetic, you click it on,
Otherwise, you put it inside your phone after removing the back but mine doesn’t open so I glued a little metal ring around the camera that is in the packet, and it works fine!
I’ll show you more pictures in the future …
Fish eye lens from the hema was last modified: June 16th, 2017 by patricia